Blog posts

October 16, 2024
The Most Common Questions About Stocking Hybrid Striped Bass

The Most Common Questions About Stocking a Pond with Hybrid Striped Bass Stocking hybrid striped bass is a popular practice among pond owners and fisheries, thanks to the fish's robust...

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Winning the War Against Cormorants: The Role of Sinking Predatory Feed

LISTEN TO THIS BLOG ON SPOTIFY Winning the War Against Cormorants: The Role of Sinking Predatory Feed For pond owners across much of the country, the double-crested cormorant has become...

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Why Coppernose Bluegill Make the Best Forage for Your Pond

LISTEN TO THIS BLOG ON SPOTIFY Why Coppernose Bluegill Make the Best Forage for Your Pond When it comes to stocking your pond, few species offer as many benefits as the...

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The Secret to a Thriving Pond: High-Value, High-Protein Feed

LISTEN TO THIS BLOG ON SPOTIFY Why Are Some Ponds Thriving While Others Struggle? The Secret Might Be in Your Fish Feed You’ve done everything right: stocked your pond with...

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The Magic Number: Why Stocking 100 Pond-Ready Hybrid Striped Bass Per Acre Makes Perfect Sense

Listen to this blog on Spotify The Magic Number: Why Stocking 100 Pond-Ready Hybrid Striped Bass Per Acre Makes Perfect Sense Stocking your pond with fish isn't as simple as...

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